NEAR Protocol
Near is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain, a decentralized development platform designed to provide an ideal environment for Daps, overcoming some of the limitations of competing systems (for example, low bandwidth, low speed and poor cross-compatibility). In addition, according to the creators, the application on Near can be launched in 5 minutes.
News about NEAR Protocol
18 Jan 2023, 18:09
"NEAR's got this amazing smart contract architecture that's really flexible and dynamic"
Learn how @FewandfarNFT are changing the game in the world of #NFTs and beyond on #NEAR on the latest #NEAR To Impossible episode with @CoinDesk
"NEAR's got this amazing smart contract architecture that's really flexible and dynamic"."NEAR's got this amazing smart contract architecture that's really flexible and dynamic"
Learn how @FewandfarNFT are changing the game in the world of #NFTs and beyond on #NEAR on the latest #NEAR To Impossible episode with @CoinDesk
https://t.co/ku7MsZ3H1u https://t.co/9LJpsLgpLF
18 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
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🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
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🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
18 Jan 2023, 17:15
RT @MultichainOrg: 🎁Another wave of goodies on the way!
Bridging $USDT $USDC $ETH $wBTC $WOO $AURORA and $NEAR to @NEARProtocol is free no…
RT @MultichainOrg: Another wave of goodies on the way.RT @MultichainOrg: 🎁Another wave of goodies on the way!
Bridging $USDT $USDC $ETH $wBTC $WOO $AURORA and $NEAR to @NEARProtocol is free no…
18 Jan 2023, 11:16
RT @NEARDevGov: 1/3 Join us for the first #NEAR Tools Working Group call this Thursday, where the working group will vote on NEP-418. Regis…
RT @NEARDevGov: 1/3 Join us for the first #NEAR Tools Working Group call this Thursday, where the working group will vote on NEPRT @NEARDevGov: 1/3 Join us for the first #NEAR Tools Working Group call this Thursday, where the working group will vote on NEP-418. Regis…
18 Jan 2023, 10:12
RT @timebreachers: [1/8] 📢Some of you asked, "what chain are we deploying on? Time Breachers will be deployed exclusively on @NEARProtocol…
RT @timebreachers: [1/8] Some of you asked, "what chain are we deploying on.RT @timebreachers: [1/8] 📢Some of you asked, "what chain are we deploying on? Time Breachers will be deployed exclusively on @NEARProtocol…
18 Jan 2023, 09:18
RT @EthereumDenver: Our Sponsor, @NEARProtocol’s mission is to remove every barrier for Web3 creators, by creating an ecosystem that is uni…
RT @EthereumDenver: Our Sponsor, @NEARProtocol's mission is to remove every barrier for Web3 creators, by creating an ecosystemRT @EthereumDenver: Our Sponsor, @NEARProtocol’s mission is to remove every barrier for Web3 creators, by creating an ecosystem that is uni…
18 Jan 2023, 03:09
RT @NEAR_Blockchain: Today, our event partner @0x499 sat down with @AlexAuroraDev, @louisliubj, @MetaWeb_Amos and @SlavaOnChain to discuss…
RT @NEAR_Blockchain: Today, our event partner @0x499 sat down with @AlexAuroraDev, @louisliubj, @MetaWeb_Amos and @SlavaOnChainRT @NEAR_Blockchain: Today, our event partner @0x499 sat down with @AlexAuroraDev, @louisliubj, @MetaWeb_Amos and @SlavaOnChain to discuss…
17 Jan 2023, 18:29
RT @keypomxyz: New Linkdrop NEP Proposal is live on the NEAR Gov site!
Check it out, rip it apart, leave some love and let's keep on buil…
RT @keypomxyz: New Linkdrop NEP Proposal is live on the NEAR Gov site.RT @keypomxyz: New Linkdrop NEP Proposal is live on the NEAR Gov site!
Check it out, rip it apart, leave some love and let's keep on buil…
17 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
17 Jan 2023, 13:45
The 8th edition of the CV VC Top 50 Report is out, showcasing the development of the blockchain & crypto ecosystem across Crypto Valley, and NEAR is proud to be featured as one of the TOP 50 companies!
Read the full report here:
The 8th edition of the CV VC Top 50 Report is out, showcasing the development of the blockchain & crypto ecosystem across CryptoThe 8th edition of the CV VC Top 50 Report is out, showcasing the development of the blockchain & crypto ecosystem across Crypto Valley, and NEAR is proud to be featured as one of the TOP 50 companies!
Read the full report here: https://t.co/GpiAd9GwoH
17 Jan 2023, 08:30
RT @NEAR_Blockchain: ⌛️IN 3 HOURS
@louisliubj, @AlexAuroraDev, @MetaWeb_Amos and @SlavaOnChain will come together to discuss how Nightsha…
RT @NEAR_Blockchain: ️IN 3 HOURS.RT @NEAR_Blockchain: ⌛️IN 3 HOURS
@louisliubj, @AlexAuroraDev, @MetaWeb_Amos and @SlavaOnChain will come together to discuss how Nightsha…
16 Jan 2023, 15:24
Start your engines.
@matchbox_dao is organizing the 2nd edition of 0xMonaco, a CTF competition between devs of Web3 titans.
This year, we're in it to win it. 🏎
Learn more:
Participant introduction #6: @NEARProtocol
"A major L1 that enables everyone to create without limits"
Welcome on the starting grid and have a safe ride 🏎 🏁
Start your engines. @matchbox_dao is organizing the 2nd edition of 0xMonaco, a CTF competition between devs of Web3 titans.Start your engines.
@matchbox_dao is organizing the 2nd edition of 0xMonaco, a CTF competition between devs of Web3 titans.
This year, we're in it to win it. 🏎
Learn more:
https://t.co/BEio8HGhfV https://t.co/U7e4jfl2oP https://t.co/NsQznK6qFZ
Participant introduction #6: @NEARProtocol
"A major L1 that enables everyone to create without limits"
Welcome on the starting grid and have a safe ride 🏎 🏁 https://t.co/E7SOPjr8Bh
16 Jan 2023, 14:18
Another week packed with news and updates from the #NEAR & #Aurora ecosystems: 💥
▹ #NEAR Goals & T…
RT @NEARWEEK: ISSUE #92. Another week packed with news and updates from the #NEAR & #Aurora ecosystems:. Highlights:.RT @NEARWEEK: 📰 ISSUE #92
Another week packed with news and updates from the #NEAR & #Aurora ecosystems: 💥
▹ #NEAR Goals & T…
15 Jan 2023, 10:15
RT @OVioHQ: 🚢Another week full of fantastic product releases.
A big shoutout to all #Web3 companies that keep building!
Our top 5 picks 🧵…
RT @OVioHQ: Another week full of fantastic product releases. A big shoutout to all #Web3 companies that keep building.RT @OVioHQ: 🚢Another week full of fantastic product releases.
A big shoutout to all #Web3 companies that keep building!
Our top 5 picks 🧵…
14 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
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🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
14 Jan 2023, 16:34
RT @NEARFoundation: Next week, the NEAR Foundation's very own @lei_lei0904, Head of Growth and Infrastructure, will be speaking with our pa…
RT @NEARFoundation: Next week, the NEAR Foundation's very own @lei_lei0904, Head of Growth and Infrastructure, will be speakingRT @NEARFoundation: Next week, the NEAR Foundation's very own @lei_lei0904, Head of Growth and Infrastructure, will be speaking with our pa…
14 Jan 2023, 15:45
Learn and earn.
Gm Lazy Learners
We're excited to finally announce the start of the LazyFi testnet campaign launch!
Up to 300 NEAR to be won as well as NFT whitelists and other prizes!
Who knows things might get $lazy 😉
Learn and earn. #BuiltOnNEAR. Gm Lazy Learners.Learn and earn.
#BuiltOnNEAR https://t.co/9ZfMXS1kqO
Gm Lazy Learners
We're excited to finally announce the start of the LazyFi testnet campaign launch!
Up to 300 NEAR to be won as well as NFT whitelists and other prizes!
Who knows things might get $lazy 😉
11 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
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🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
10 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
08 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
06 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
05 Jan 2023, 12:07
It’s live now!
Tune into the Twitter Space with Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Alex Shevchenko (Aurora Labs), Louis Liu (Octopus Network) and Amos Zhang (MetaWeb Ventures) to discuss all things about multichain web3 infrastructure.
Dont miss it!
It's live now.It’s live now!
Tune into the Twitter Space with Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Alex Shevchenko (Aurora Labs), Louis Liu (Octopus Network) and Amos Zhang (MetaWeb Ventures) to discuss all things about multichain web3 infrastructure.
Dont miss it!
04 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
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➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
04 Jan 2023, 07:57
Kickstart 2023 with the most exciting Twitter Space this Thursday 5 Jan 12PM UTC.
Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Alex Shevchenko (Aurora Labs), Louis Liu (Octopus Network) and Amos Zhang (MetaWeb Ventures) will be sitting down with us to talk all things about multichain web3 infrastructure.
🎁Got questions and wanna join the Grand Raffle of over 10,000 $NEAR? Comment on the Tweet 👇
🔔 Set a Reminder
Kickstart 2023 with the most exciting Twitter Space this Thursday 5 Jan 12PM UTC.Kickstart 2023 with the most exciting Twitter Space this Thursday 5 Jan 12PM UTC.
Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Alex Shevchenko (Aurora Labs), Louis Liu (Octopus Network) and Amos Zhang (MetaWeb Ventures) will be sitting down with us to talk all things about multichain web3 infrastructure.
🎁Got questions and wanna join the Grand Raffle of over 10,000 $NEAR? Comment on the Tweet 👇
🔔 Set a Reminder
02 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @kv9990 @TheGo1denBull @rahulgoel007 @Kripto_Raptor @bailey_12 @stanisnear @benz_near
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @kv9990 @TheGo1denBull @rahulgoel007 @Kripto_Raptor @bailey_12 @stanisnear @benz_near
27 Dec 2022, 05:15
Since we’re in the festive spirit, let’s throwback to another incredible achievement of 2022.
Nightshade phase one is live 🔥
2023 will see the complete birth of #NEAR’s secret weapon. A sharding mechanism that will change the game.
Since we're in the festive spirit, let's throwback to another incredible achievement of 2022. Nightshade phase one is live.Since we’re in the festive spirit, let’s throwback to another incredible achievement of 2022.
Nightshade phase one is live 🔥
2023 will see the complete birth of #NEAR’s secret weapon. A sharding mechanism that will change the game.
26 Dec 2022, 04:34
Merry Christmas, #NEAR 🎅
If you attended #NEARCON, then we wouldn’t be surprised to hear that today is your 2nd favorite time of the year.
3,000 attendees. 255 speakers. 146 sessions.
See you next year.
Merry Christmas, #NEAR.Merry Christmas, #NEAR 🎅
If you attended #NEARCON, then we wouldn’t be surprised to hear that today is your 2nd favorite time of the year.
3,000 attendees. 255 speakers. 146 sessions.
See you next year.
23 Dec 2022, 05:04
Private Shards are now wearing new & shiny clothes... ✨ 💎
Meaning... New website from Calimero Network is now LIVE!
Ft. better product suite display, information overlook and better usability. Oh, and it looks a lot slicker! Check it out. 👇
Private Shards are now wearing new & shiny clothes. Meaning. New website from Calimero Network is now LIVE.Private Shards are now wearing new & shiny clothes... ✨ 💎
Meaning... New website from Calimero Network is now LIVE!
Ft. better product suite display, information overlook and better usability. Oh, and it looks a lot slicker! Check it out. 👇
src: https://vxtwitter.com/CalimeroNetwork/status/1605959347032440833
22 Dec 2022, 01:07
Tune into our Twitter Space in an hour (02:00 UTC)
Learn about the future of #NFT and social media with Niche, Paras, KINO and MetaWeb Ventures.
🎁 We are giving away 200 Grand Raffle Tickets with more than 10,000 $NEAR rewards
To join:
To join:
✅ Follow @NEAR_Blockchain
✅ RT the event tweet (https://twitter.com/NEAR_Blockchain/status/1605262959944429568?s=20&t=7OOWRqz4HVMl94JIEr5ykg)
✅ Comment with your question and .near account
See you soon!
Tune into our Twitter Space in an hour (02:00 UTC).Tune into our Twitter Space in an hour (02:00 UTC)
Learn about the future of #NFT and social media with Niche, Paras, KINO and MetaWeb Ventures.
🎁 We are giving away 200 Grand Raffle Tickets with more than 10,000 $NEAR rewards
To join:
To join:
✅ Follow @NEAR_Blockchain
✅ RT the event tweet (https://twitter.com/NEAR_Blockchain/status/1605262959944429568?s=20&t=7OOWRqz4HVMl94JIEr5ykg)
✅ Comment with your question and .near account
See you soon!
19 Dec 2022, 16:06
It’s happening now! Lets learn about how NEAR promoted mainstream adoption with Sweat Economy, Sender Wallet, Connect3 and MetaWeb VC.
Make sure u comment with your .near account in order to get the Grand Raffle Tickets!
🎁Each raffle ticket is a limited edition #NFT
🎁Top 15 winners will receive 100 $NEAR
🎁 The rest of the ticket holders will share more than 10,000 NEAR tokens with other project partner tokens and NFTs
It's happening now.It’s happening now! Lets learn about how NEAR promoted mainstream adoption with Sweat Economy, Sender Wallet, Connect3 and MetaWeb VC.
Make sure u comment with your .near account in order to get the Grand Raffle Tickets!
🎁Each raffle ticket is a limited edition #NFT
🎁Top 15 winners will receive 100 $NEAR
🎁 The rest of the ticket holders will share more than 10,000 NEAR tokens with other project partner tokens and NFTs
16 Dec 2022, 11:37
Hello NEARians
Celebrate the holiday season with #HappyNewNEAR 🥳
@NEAR_blockchain is hosting a series of activities with an array of #NEAR powered projects, including festive quizzes, Twitter Space and other tasks.
Participate in order to join the Christmas NFT giveaway and share over 10,000 NEAR in rewards 🎁
🗓️ 19 Dec 2022 - 6 Jan 2023
Hello NEARians. Celebrate the holiday season with #HappyNewNEAR.Hello NEARians
Celebrate the holiday season with #HappyNewNEAR 🥳
@NEAR_blockchain is hosting a series of activities with an array of #NEAR powered projects, including festive quizzes, Twitter Space and other tasks.
Participate in order to join the Christmas NFT giveaway and share over 10,000 NEAR in rewards 🎁
🗓️ 19 Dec 2022 - 6 Jan 2023
15 Dec 2022, 15:52
📣 NEAR Strategic Update and Outlook for 2023
NEAR is uniquely positioned to deliver on the promises of Web3. That’s why we’re reframing our strategy to deliver what nobody else can.
NEAR Strategic Update and Outlook for 2023. NEAR is uniquely positioned to deliver on the promises of Web3.📣 NEAR Strategic Update and Outlook for 2023
NEAR is uniquely positioned to deliver on the promises of Web3. That’s why we’re reframing our strategy to deliver what nobody else can.
👉 https://near.org/blog/near-strategic-update-and-outlook-for-2023/
15 Dec 2022, 12:56
🎉 We've just reached ONE MILLION followers on NEAR Protocol's Twitter! Thanks to YOU & Everyone in our Community for our growth!
We've just reached ONE MILLION followers on NEAR Protocol's Twitter. Thanks to YOU & Everyone in our Community for our growth.🎉 We've just reached ONE MILLION followers on NEAR Protocol's Twitter! Thanks to YOU & Everyone in our Community for our growth!
13 Dec 2022, 05:03
AMAZING NEWS to all Python Lover like me: Now you can build smart contracts on NEAR with Python by using py-near - pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for working with
@NEARProtocol is open source 🚀🤝
It is now open to amazing build-in possibilities:
> multiple RPC node support
> built-in transactions with FT
> built-in transfers NEAR/Ft by SMS
> typed and error handling
> nowait transactions support
> many examples in the documentation
Check out the Documentation:
PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/py-near|
Source: github.com/pvolnov/py-near
NOW go and build amazing python-based dapp on NEAR, #BUIDLer!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
AMAZING NEWS to all Python Lover like me: Now you can build smart contracts on NEAR with Python by using py-near - pretty simpleAMAZING NEWS to all Python Lover like me: Now you can build smart contracts on NEAR with Python by using py-near - pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for working with
@NEARProtocol is open source 🚀🤝
It is now open to amazing build-in possibilities:
> multiple RPC node support
> built-in transactions with FT
> built-in transfers NEAR/Ft by SMS
> typed and error handling
> nowait transactions support
> many examples in the documentation
Check out the Documentation: https://py-near.readthedocs.io/en/latest
PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/py-near|
Source: github.com/pvolnov/py-near
NOW go and build amazing python-based dapp on NEAR, #BUIDLer!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
12 Dec 2022, 14:20
Morning! Today we've got...
Roadmap Spotlight #3: Zero-knowledge Light Clients 🔦
Hop in to learn what this protocol upgrade, on the roadmap for 2023-2024, impacts NEAR and helps developer get on-chain data in a verified and trustless way - even if depending on centralized providers. The TLDR? They are super-light clients that can run on wallets/dApps to help verify on-chain data! ⚡
Morning. Today we've got. Roadmap Spotlight #3: Zero-knowledge Light Clients.Morning! Today we've got...
Roadmap Spotlight #3: Zero-knowledge Light Clients 🔦
Hop in to learn what this protocol upgrade, on the roadmap for 2023-2024, impacts NEAR and helps developer get on-chain data in a verified and trustless way - even if depending on centralized providers. The TLDR? They are super-light clients that can run on wallets/dApps to help verify on-chain data! ⚡
11 Dec 2022, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @kv9990 @TheGo1denBull @rahulgoel007 @Kripto_Raptor @bailey_12 @stanisnear @benz_near
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World!
This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem!
⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍
🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯
➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators
➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support
🌐 International Groups 🌐
🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram)
🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye
🕊 Community Rules 🕊
✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love!
🙅♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying
🙅♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects.
🙅♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial)
☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @kv9990 @TheGo1denBull @rahulgoel007 @Kripto_Raptor @bailey_12 @stanisnear @benz_near
11 Dec 2022, 06:37
NEAR Foundation’s weekly on chain data report is here.
📊 Get the full scoop 🍨 on user activity on the NEAR network and help us build a secure and transparent decentralized web. 🔗
NEAR Transparency Report: December 9th 2022.
Read it full here 👉:
NEAR Foundation's weekly on chain data report is here.NEAR Foundation’s weekly on chain data report is here.
📊 Get the full scoop 🍨 on user activity on the NEAR network and help us build a secure and transparent decentralized web. 🔗
NEAR Transparency Report: December 9th 2022.
Read it full here 👉: https://near.org/blog/near-transparency-report-december-9/
10 Dec 2022, 06:51
The @NEARFoundation has partnered with @pressstartcap to accelerate the future of #Web3 gaming on #NEAR
Read more and press start with us here 👇
The @NEARFoundation has partnered with @pressstartcap to accelerate the future of #Web3 gaming on #NEAR.The @NEARFoundation has partnered with @pressstartcap to accelerate the future of #Web3 gaming on #NEAR
Read more and press start with us here 👇
06 Dec 2022, 15:22
Roadmap Spotlight #2: Zero Balance Accounts 🕯️
Hop in on this week's protocol roadmap breakdown, as Pagoda cover each feature coming up in NEAR's roadmap 🛣️
Zero Balance Accounts will bring the possibility to create NEAR accounts w/o the need for an upfront balance, making the UX smoother in many ways for users 🧈 , dive in 🧵 👇
Roadmap Spotlight #2: Zero Balance Accounts.Roadmap Spotlight #2: Zero Balance Accounts 🕯️
Hop in on this week's protocol roadmap breakdown, as Pagoda cover each feature coming up in NEAR's roadmap 🛣️
Zero Balance Accounts will bring the possibility to create NEAR accounts w/o the need for an upfront balance, making the UX smoother in many ways for users 🧈 , dive in 🧵 👇
06 Dec 2022, 08:50
👋 Hello NEAR community!
Here's a rapid fire update on what the Foundation has been up to over the last week! 👇
Hello NEAR community. Here's a rapid fire update on what the Foundation has been up to over the last week.👋 Hello NEAR community!
Here's a rapid fire update on what the Foundation has been up to over the last week! 👇
06 Dec 2022, 05:33
NEAR HACKS is hosting the @NEAR__SF Builder Day in SF to onboard Rust and JS developers and unpack the most cutting-edge innovations and developments across the @NEARProtocol ecosystem 🛠
📆 Sat | Dec 10
📍Digital Garage
NEAR HACKS is hosting the @NEAR__SF Builder Day in SF to onboard Rust and JS developers and unpack the most cutting-edge innovatNEAR HACKS is hosting the @NEAR__SF Builder Day in SF to onboard Rust and JS developers and unpack the most cutting-edge innovations and developments across the @NEARProtocol ecosystem 🛠
Register: https://lu.ma/sfbuilderday
📆 Sat | Dec 10
📍Digital Garage
Source: https://vxtwitter.com/NEARHACKS/status/1599838580108660736
05 Dec 2022, 15:13
NEAR Bytes - Episode 14 🌤 🛰
New week = more developer news on NEAR to share, with NEAR from the devrel team giving the round-up of last week:
⛰ NEAR + ETHDenver
🤖 MetaBUILD III Judging Starts
🎙 Road to Mainnet Spaces
🚂 Aurora Engine Update
And more!
NEAR Bytes - Episode 14.NEAR Bytes - Episode 14 🌤 🛰
New week = more developer news on NEAR to share, with NEAR from the devrel team giving the round-up of last week:
⛰ NEAR + ETHDenver
🤖 MetaBUILD III Judging Starts
🎙 Road to Mainnet Spaces
🚂 Aurora Engine Update
And more!
03 Dec 2022, 05:01
That's a wrap, Miami 🫶
Huge thank you to all of our ecosystem partners, attendees, and artists who supported #NEAR at Miami Art Week!
✅Hundreds of attendees
✅A cavalcade of incredible artists, talks, and panels
✅One. Incredible. Event.
Thank you!
That's a wrap, Miami.That's a wrap, Miami 🫶
Huge thank you to all of our ecosystem partners, attendees, and artists who supported #NEAR at Miami Art Week!
✅Hundreds of attendees
✅A cavalcade of incredible artists, talks, and panels
✅One. Incredible. Event.
Thank you!
02 Dec 2022, 18:40
💥 NEAR Transparency Report: December 2
🤩 The latest transparency report from the NEAR Foundation is here. Find the latest numbers on active accounts, contracts and more.
NEAR Transparency Report: December 2. The latest transparency report from the NEAR Foundation is here.💥 NEAR Transparency Report: December 2
🤩 The latest transparency report from the NEAR Foundation is here. Find the latest numbers on active accounts, contracts and more.
👉 https://near.org/blog/near-transparency-report-december-2/
02 Dec 2022, 14:16
Missed Dennis, from the DevRel team, presenting at Pychain Conf? 🐍
Don't fret - the workshop is now live on YouTube and you can learn how to build on Web3 in Python, on NEAR 🎉
Missed Dennis, from the DevRel team, presenting at Pychain Conf.Missed Dennis, from the DevRel team, presenting at Pychain Conf? 🐍
Don't fret - the workshop is now live on YouTube and you can learn how to build on Web3 in Python, on NEAR 🎉
01 Dec 2022, 18:48
ETA Tomorrow, Pagoda will kick off Road to Mainnet 🛣️
Come hang on this new Twitter Space series with Pagoda, starting tomorrow Friday, December 2nd - 6:00 PM GMT 📅
Come learn with about Keypom with Ben Kurrek, and their learnings while building and launching on NEAR.
Set your reminders here ⬇️
ETA Tomorrow, Pagoda will kick off Road to Mainnet.ETA Tomorrow, Pagoda will kick off Road to Mainnet 🛣️
Come hang on this new Twitter Space series with Pagoda, starting tomorrow Friday, December 2nd - 6:00 PM GMT 📅
Come learn with about Keypom with Ben Kurrek, and their learnings while building and launching on NEAR.
Set your reminders here ⬇️
👉 https://twitter.com/PagodaPlatform/status/1598386747368505346
01 Dec 2022, 17:04
🎙️ In just 30 minutes we will kick off todays AMA with NEAR Foundation about Funding and Decision Making, we want YOU to join and ask any questions you have about the event's topics.
Twitter Spaces Link 👉
In just 30 minutes we will kick off todays AMA with NEAR Foundation about Funding and Decision Making, we want YOU to join and a🎙️ In just 30 minutes we will kick off todays AMA with NEAR Foundation about Funding and Decision Making, we want YOU to join and ask any questions you have about the event's topics.
Twitter Spaces Link 👉 https://twitter.com/NEARFoundation/status/1598073029770502145
01 Dec 2022, 15:37
NEAR@Ethereum Denver Call for Speaker's + Updates!
One of the largest and most important #Web3 conferences in the world, ETHDenver, is fast approaching! This is a huge opportunity for #NEAR to stand out in the ETHDenver agenda 🎉
NEAR aims to make a big splash as a Presenting Sponsor, but we need you.
NEAR is encouraging builders, creators, and members of the NEAR ecosystem to apply to speak at #ETHDenver, March 3-5.
The submission window closes just January 7th, but the sooner you submit the better.
Read More : LINK
Register as Speaker: LINK
NEAR@Ethereum Denver Call for Speaker's + Updates.🚨🚨🚨🚨
NEAR@Ethereum Denver Call for Speaker's + Updates!
One of the largest and most important #Web3 conferences in the world, ETHDenver, is fast approaching! This is a huge opportunity for #NEAR to stand out in the ETHDenver agenda 🎉
NEAR aims to make a big splash as a Presenting Sponsor, but we need you.
NEAR is encouraging builders, creators, and members of the NEAR ecosystem to apply to speak at #ETHDenver, March 3-5.
The submission window closes just January 7th, but the sooner you submit the better.
Read More : LINK
Register as Speaker: LINK
01 Dec 2022, 13:59
#Web3 is coming to a grocery store near you. Built on #NEAR 💎
We’ve partnered with Grupo Nutresa through tech company Peersyst to develop one of the first open-source loyalty points programs on NEAR to millions in LatAm and Colombia 🇨🇴
Read More:
#Web3 is coming to a grocery store near you. Built on #NEAR.Hola!
#Web3 is coming to a grocery store near you. Built on #NEAR 💎
We’ve partnered with Grupo Nutresa through tech company Peersyst to develop one of the first open-source loyalty points programs on NEAR to millions in LatAm and Colombia 🇨🇴
Read More: https://near.org/blog/near-and-grupo-nutresa-partner-for-customer-experience-innovations-in-web3/
01 Dec 2022, 10:49
Join us today at 17:30 GMT for the next AMA from the NEAR Foundation.
We're discussing all things Funding & Decision making.
Got a question but can't make it? Drop them below👇
Join us today at 17:30 GMT for the next AMA from the NEAR Foundation. We're discussing all things Funding & Decision making.Join us today at 17:30 GMT for the next AMA from the NEAR Foundation.
We're discussing all things Funding & Decision making.
Got a question but can't make it? Drop them below👇