Introducing NEAR Day at ETHDenver, a pre @EthereumDenver event.

20 Jan 2023, 17:02
Introducing NEAR Day at ETHDenver, a pre @EthereumDenver event! Join us March 2nd on the main stage of the official ETHDenver venue to learn about the latest developments & future plans for the NEAR ecosystem #NEARDenver

Same news in other sources

20 Jan 2023, 17:38
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World! This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem! ⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍 ➥LEARN NEAR ➥WALLET&STAKING ➥NFT ➥GAMING ➥DE-FI ➥FORUM 🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯 ➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators ➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support 🌐 International Groups 🌐 🇦🇺Australia 🇸🇦Arabic 🇦🇷Argentina 🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram) 🇫🇷French 🇩🇪German 🇪🇸Hispanio 🇮🇳Indian 🇮🇩Indonesian 🇮🇹Italian 🇰🇷Korean 🇳🇬Nigeria 🇮🇷Persian 🇵🇭Philippines 🇵🇹Portugal 🇷🇺Russian 🇺🇦Ukraine 🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye 🇹🇷Turkish 🇹🇭Thai 🇻🇪Venezuela 🇻🇳Vietnamese 🕊 Community Rules 🕊 Please be respectful and Spread the Love! 🙅‍♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying 🙅‍♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects. 🙅‍♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial) ☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World. This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem.
Welcome to NEAR. You are now closer to a Decentralized World! This group is made to discuss NEAR and the NEAR Ecosystem! ⠀ ⠀🔍 Explore NEAR 🔍 ➥LEARN NEAR ➥WALLET&STAKING ➥NFT ➥GAMING ➥DE-FI ➥FORUM ⠀ 🎯 Important Telegram Channels 🎯 ➥News&Announcements ➥Validators ➥Developers ➥Creators ➥Merchants of NEAR(Unofficial Price Chat) ➥Wallet Support ⠀ 🌐 International Groups 🌐 🇦🇺Australia 🇸🇦Arabic 🇦🇷Argentina 🇨🇳中文社区 (Telegram) 🇫🇷French 🇩🇪German 🇪🇸Hispanio 🇮🇳Indian 🇮🇩Indonesian 🇮🇹Italian 🇰🇷Korean 🇳🇬Nigeria 🇮🇷Persian 🇵🇭Philippines 🇵🇹Portugal 🇷🇺Russian 🇺🇦Ukraine 🇹🇷NEAR Türkiye 🇹🇷Turkish 🇹🇭Thai 🇻🇪Venezuela 🇻🇳Vietnamese ⠀ 🕊 Community Rules 🕊 ✅ Please be respectful and Spread the Love! 🙅‍♂️ We have zero tolerance for racism&bullying 🙅‍♀️ Please avoid: offensive language, FUD, false information, and shilling other projects. 🙅‍♂️Please Take Price Discussions to Price Chat(Unofficial) ☠️ Be aware of scammers! Admins NEVER DM (send private messages) first, ask for funds, or make special offers! Please report people who are messaging you and offering help Mods: @rahulgoel007 @benz_near @Alpar_NEAR @fiatisabubble @ChiHa9 @DammnThatsCrazy
20 Jan 2023, 17:32
Thrilled to announce that #NEAR will be a major player at @EthereumDenver 2023! Join us for NEAR Day at ETHDenver on March 2nd to learn more about the future of #Web3 on NEAR. #EthereumWithoutLimits #NEARDenver
Thrilled to announce that #NEAR will be a major player at @EthereumDenver 2023.
Thrilled to announce that #NEAR will be a major player at @EthereumDenver 2023! Join us for NEAR Day at ETHDenver on March 2nd to learn more about the future of #Web3 on NEAR. #EthereumWithoutLimits #NEARDenver