NEARCON 2023 IRL Hackathon winners announcement. These brilliant innovators showcased groundbreaking projects.
22 Nov 2023, 14:00
NEARCON 2023 IRL Hackathon winners announcement! 🏆
These brilliant innovators showcased groundbreaking projects. Kudos to Quex, ClickDapp, B4B, Proof-of-Reputation, @thedefibuilder , Obrigado, @MagicBuildAI , and Web3 Plugin!
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Same news in other sources
122 Nov 2023, 14:06
Don't miss the NEAR Foundation's Town Hall at 4pm UTC (that's, like, less than 2h away!)
They'll take a look at some ecosystem highlights, pat the back of the Hackathon winners, and throwback to the most iconic event of the Web3 year - NEARCON!
Don't miss the NEAR Foundation's Town Hall at 4pm UTC (that's, like, less than 2h away.
Don't miss the NEAR Foundation's Town Hall at 4pm UTC (that's, like, less than 2h away!)
They'll take a look at some ecosystem highlights, pat the back of the Hackathon winners, and throwback to the most iconic event of the Web3 year - NEARCON!